Friday 29 December 2017

Hypergamy 1

The following transcript is made for non-profit, within international fair use policy for educational purposes and fully accredited to source. Its intended function is as a reference link from other related blogs.

“The hierarchical attitude they generally run on the principle that being higher up in the hierarchy is better! And there is something wrong with you from a moral perspective if you happen to be among the failures. 

One possibility is conscientious people and industrious people judge themselves that way is because they judge themselves quite harshly and they really do not want to fail. But its not because they're anxious, its because they are disgusted, self-disgusted by the possibility that they might count among the failures. So that grounds it into an entirely different motivational system. 

As soon as you produce a value structure, you produce a hierarchy because people compete toward the end game and that will immediately produce a hierarchy of accomplishment. Why would men be particularly motivated to do that? And the answer seems to be because of Hypergamy. 

Hypergamy is the tendency of women to mate across or up dominance hierarchies. So males compete with each other and they want to because they want to win. Part of the consequence of winning is they have much more success with women and that's a primary motivator. It provides a rationale for supporting a relatively structured hierarchy that has nothing to do with having to deal with the negative consequences of not having a stable world view.” Jordan Peterson

“Another thing to think about with regards to hierarchy is that if you have an ideal, you immediately have a hierarchy. And so if you wanted to get rid of hierarchy you have to get rid of values. That seems like a really stupid thing to do because without values you have no positive motivation. Because you feel almost all of your positive motivation in relationship to a goal. Its not attainment of a goal that makes people happy, generally speaking. Its observation of the fact that their efforts are moving toward a valued goal. 

Of course if you are conscientious, over time your field of opportunities opens up from an employment perspective plus your income increases and you’ve stabilized the environment around you. So there’s less uncertainty in it and more security. It could easily be that conscientiousness has its effect on neuroticism by stabilizing the environment, taking the uncertainty out of it and making people, not so much lower in neuroticism but less likely to be anxious and in emotional pain in general. 

If you have a client who is unconscientious you have got a real problem because the person won’t do anything they say they are going to do. If the person doesn’t get around to doing things that will help, how can you get them to get around to doing anything that’ll help? Its one of those flaws that seems to interfere with the process itself. 

Maybe you could make the person enthusiastic about it and they’d be driven by enthusiasm which is more of a positive emotion or maybe you could terrify them half to death about the consequences of not doing it which is also useful or maybe they’re agreeable so they’d be willing to do it for someone else or if they’re open you can think of a creative way of doing it; there’s other places you can get leverage. But without the conscientiousness there’s a real problem, it's really difficult. 

Conscientiousness is a good predictor of long-term life success. It's a good predictor negatively of divorce. More conscientious people are less likely to get divorced. It's a really good predictor of grades, its a decent predictor of income, its a good predictor of social status, eventual social status. It seems to be particularly good at predicting outcomes of people who are engaged in managerial, administrative and process management occupations. And so all of those occupations are characterized by the necessity of reliability, integrity and attention to detail. 

So overall if you’re conscientious you are going to be satisfied with your life especially as you progress through time, and you are going to be happier. Which is funny because happiness is basically extroversion so you might ask what does it have to do with conscientiousness? Your life actually stabilizes and gets better so even though you might not be more happy, you’ll be less miserable. Its really painful to be miserable but its only moderately good to be happy. We have a much bigger capacity for negative emotion than positive emotion.” Jordan Peterson

a short series of inter-related blogs
with no specific order

Hypergamy 2

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