Sunday 27 August 2017



contemplate these phonemes
lineage as metric


"words resulting in a temporary feeling controlling belief and action"

In ancient Assyria the word for this was En (source), applied to a boss who instructed others.

(to program a “the/thoth/thought/taught/knowledge/meme” at/toward) hence ‘enter’ (into).

The recipient was called the “Me” (yes you are one of them), although we now at the 21st millennium use the word ‘meme’ in a more vague and generalised way to refer to any concept / instruction / mental programming of an idea.

“The deity Thoth instructed Humanity from one of his thousands of books of knowledge of all things.” (translated from Egyptian temple carving)

As things became more complicated we had to develop more words and versions, deviations of primitive components for concepts, to really explain with precision that which we attempt to impart. The language developed. Fluctuations of variably pronounced vowels make this major differentiation in our interpretation of Egyptian temple carvings.

The Zen philosophy of No Mind is the instruction of a method of how to function not from mental programming of concepts and ideas but simply to just be. It developed as a counter-measure to being programmed/instructed by Masters to whom we were ignorant Slaves. Neither is it the primal animal state of impulse (id & super-ego) based reactionary non-awareness (intuition with no self-awareness). Zen No-Mind IS awareness, this is a crucial item to understand. It is awareness without socio-cultural programming. At all. The levels of it range from simply not responding to whatever cult terminology is currently being used for purposes of social engineering, to liberation from all labels at all including the naming of individuals and objects. This state of perception is freedom, the word used to describe it in Buddhism is Nirvana (liberation). A person who attains this cannot be controlled and thus is a danger to the En who resides as governance of slave citizens (cited / citified / urbanized / domesticated “zens”); Z/en like striking a line through it to indicate the ascension).

After Ur (Us, we; humans. The incent is the concept ‘us who error thus seek’): Babylon City (baba-li the coming of two into one to create a new line li-ne, a  fertility culture) is famous for an event where the original Bosses and their social system fell apart because humans rebelled and created our own version of the babble in which we: 1 rebelled against their authority and created our own with Human leaders instead of Gods as the En. 2 made more complicated terminology for more abstract concepts which took us outside of the scope of the original Gods En.

Enki and Enlil which mean: Originator of Ki/Qi/Chi (dna) and deviation/mutation (Lilith, the knowledge (th) of shadow-line (lili). This means ‘that which flows/follows’ rather than ‘evil’ which is associated with shadow in modern bias. Shadow is ‘that which we cast’ as a projection toward the future (“the most beautiful light radiated from the source” is written in Hebrew as ‘Lucifer (illumination) was cast out from heaven’).

Enki and Enlil. Those were our creators / are the two necessary strands of our genetic coding (yin & yang) (light and shadow cast) (polarities within which complexity and diversity). We started evolving outside of the original pattern of being a slave species. How much of this is literal and how much is metaphor for the divergence of our genetic form? The words mean both things and it depends entirely on how we translate them as literal (li) or theme (th). Pun intended.

Here we recognize Shadow and Light as the same entity because their interchangeable nature perpetuates time-in-mass (manifestation), the phoneme ‘Ne ‘means ‘manifestation into the world’ is often used as a -suffix (as in ‘line’) although it also can be used as an affix- (as in ‘negotiate’). Vaguely it means 'path'. The alphanumeric symbol is the depiction of a straight line toward the horizon (the third mark) as seen from a mountain peak. Observe it relates to the symbol for 'Ze'.

The head of a snake and the tail which follows. The light (source) and the shadow cast (follows as manifestation).

©2017 Ordo Octopia

Friday 25 August 2017




the technical word for 

(as urban environment) 

is clonopolis


inspired by:

RPG's: Paranoia, Confrontation / Necromunda, SLA Industries, KULT,

Literature: 1984 (George Orwell), Brave New World (Aldous Huxley), Overworld (Michael Vyse),

Movies: Metropolis, Salute of the Jugger, Logans Run, THX-1138, Escape from LA, Warriors, Mad Max, Cloud Atlas, 


001.1 : awakening

You awaken in a military-grey panel walled room which has spray-stencilled above its door in renfrew typeface the same digit code as is tattooed on the inside of your forearm between your elbow and wrist.

The room is simple:
To the left of the door is your plastic covered mattress (also military-grey). You are sitting on it. The room is the length of the mattress. One edge of the mattress touches the left wall. Beneath the mattress is a paneled front approximately two feet high.
To the right of the door is a large white rectangular plastic display screen taking up most of the wall space. It glows gently, this is the main source of light for the room.
Opposite the closed door is an doorway which leads into a square cubicle with a grill on the floor. Either side of this doorway, set into the walls and with the same depth as the cubicle, are empty shelves. Two on the wall next to the bed, five on the opposite side.
There is a light panel overhead, this is currently off. Above the cubicle door is a little black rubber triangle with a little red dot of light glowing in its center, a mini-LED. It is identical to one in the palm of your left hand except that it is active; the one in your palm is inert (not glowing).
You are wearing military-grey coveralls. There is nobody else in the room.
You run your right hand over your head. Your hair is very short (number one shave). You discover a small rectangular port in the back of your head (USB). There does not appear to be anything to plug into it.
After a moment in which you assimilate all of the above information, the display screen flickers to life and in the same typeface it states the following message:

“welcome (your serial code). 
please report to a booth for evaluation and assignment debriefing.” 

You have no memory whatsoever of any event leading up to this present moment, although you vaguely recall dreaming about an Eiffel Tower perched above a gaping, monstrous, saalak-like mouth.

The question you should be asking, is: “What do I do now?” 


001.2 : booth

A privacy Booth is a discrete interface with Computer. It is a military-grey tube with an auto-sliding door on one side. The interior consists of a military-grey plastic seat which faces a softly glowing white panel display screen on which is displayed the words “you may request information”. Below this is a paper-thin slot the width of your hand. Above it is a black rubber triangle with a glowing red light in its center. Overhead is a deadly looking metal nozzle. There is also a black rubber cable dangling down at the back of the seat which has a USB plug on the end of it. Somebody has blocked the end of this with musty-tangy scented, hardened grey gum; the same hardened grey gum which has been pressed all over the interior of the booth in little thumb-print sized lumps causing the booth interior to smell of the same musty-tangy scent. It makes you feel slightly nauseous.

You step into the booth. 
The screen display says: 

“welcome (your serial code). respond to following mandatory data input.”

Psyche Evaluation Form
001 - Persona

Multiple Option:
There is no right or wrong answer.
You will not be penalised.
This form is to ensure proper assignment of duties.
It is for your own good.
Be honest.

Choose between the following polarities:

FOCUS = introvert / extrovert
SERVICE = selfish / altruistic
ATTITUDE = controlling / permissive
ENERGETIC = lazy / pro-active
COMPLEXITY = primitive / advanced

If you cannot decide appropriate polarity (one or the other), choose alternate options;
flexible (switch variably between both polarities)
balanced (equally positioned as static, non-variable between the polarities)

“congratulations for input of data regarding (your serial code).

relevant assignment will follow shortly.
make way to debriefing room.”  

As you leave the booth your stomach rumbles; you realise that your body is hungry.

Next to the booth is a wall-mounted military-grey vending machine with the word GUM stencil-sprayed on it in white letters. It has a little black rubber triangle and glowing red mini-LED in its center and a letterbox sized slot at the bottom large enough to fit your hand into.

On the back of the booth is a poster advertising a thing called CAP. It shows a picture of a black triangle with a red mini-LED in its center. Strangely the little black triangle in the poster is pointing upward; all the ones you have seen so far have been pointing down and are more cheaply mass-produced than the pretty poster version. The picture shows a touch-operated interactive holographic display emitted from the mini-LED on the palm of someone’s hand. The one on your hand is currently not glowing nor is it emitting holograms. It is inert.  



©2017 Ordo Octopia

Sunday 20 August 2017


Nickelback- S.E.X.

Games People Play

The Psychology of Human Relationships

byEric Berne, MD


Some games are played to exploit or fight off sexual impulses. These are all, in effect, perversions of the sexual instincts in which the satisfaction is displaced from the sexual act to the crucial transactions which constitute the payoff of the game. This cannot always be demonstrated convincingly, because such games are usually played in privacy, so that clinical information about them has to be obtained second-hand, and the informants bias cannot always be satisfactorily evaluated. The psychiatric conception of homosexuality, for example, is heavily skewed, because the more aggressive and successful ‘players’ do not often come for psychiatric treatment, and the available material mostly concerns the passive partners.


Heterosexual perversions such as fetishism, sadism and masochism are symptomatic of a confused Child and are treated accordingly. Their transactional aspects, however, as manifested in actual sexual situations, can be dealt with by means of game analysis. This may lead to social control, so that even if the warped sexual impulses remain unchanged, they are neutralised as far as actual indulgence is concerned.


This game is played between a man and a woman which might more politely be called, in the milder forms at least, ‘kiss off’ or ’indignation’. It may be played with varying degrees of intensity.

1. First-Degree ‘Rapo’, or ‘Kiss Off’, is popular at social gatherings and consists essentially of mild flirtation. White signals that she is available and get her pleasure from the mans pursuit. As soon as he has committed himself, the game is over. If she is polite, she may say quite frankly ” I appreciate your compliments and thank you very much”, and move onto the next conquest. If she is less generous, she may simply leave him. A skilful player can make this game last for a long time at a large social gathering by moving around frequently, so that the man has to carry out complicated manoeuvres in order to follow her without being too obvious.

2. In Second-Degree ‘Rapo’, or ‘Indignation’, White gets only secondary satisfaction from Black’s advances. Her primary gratification comes from rejecting him, so that this game is also colloquially known as ‘Buzz Off, Buster’. She leads Black into a much more serious commitment than the mild flirtation of the first degree ‘Rapo’ and enjoys watching his discomfiture when she repulses him. Black, of course is not as helpless as he seems, and may have gone to considerable trouble to get himself involved. Usually he is playing some variation of ‘Kick me’.

3. Third-Degree ‘Rapo’ is a vicious game which ends in murder, suicide or the courtroom. Here, White leads Black into compromising physical contact and then claims that he has made a criminal assault or has done her irreparable damage. In its most cynical form White may actually allow him to complete the sexual act so that she gets enjoyment before confronting him. The confrontation may be immediate, as in the illegitimate cry of rape, or it may be long delayed, as in suicide or homicide following a prolonged love affair. If she chooses to play it as a criminal assault, she may have no difficulty in finding mercenary or morbidly interested allies, such as the press, the police, counsellors and relatives. Sometimes, however, these outsiders may cynically turn on her, so that she loses the initiative and becomes a tool in their games.

In some cases outsiders perform different function. They force the game on an unwilling White because they want to play ‘Let’s You And Him Fight’. They put her in such a position that in order to save her face or her reputation she has to cry rape. This is particularly apt to happen girls under the legal age of consent; they may be quite willing to continue a liaison, but because it is discovered or made an issue of, they feel constrained to turn the romance into a game of Third-Degree ‘Rapo’.

In one well-known situation, the wary Joseph refused to be inveigled into a game of ‘Rapo’, whereupon Potiphar’s wife made the classical switch into ‘Let’s You And Him Fight’, an excellent example of the way a hard player reacts to antithesis, and of the danger that beset people who refuse to play games. These two games are combined in the well-known ‘Badger Game’, in which the woman seduces Black and then cries rape, at which point her husband takes charge and abuses Black for the purpose of blackmail.

One of the most unfortunate and acute forms of Third-Degree ‘Rapo’ occurs relatively frequently between homosexual strangers, who in a matter of an hour or so may bring the game to a point of homicide. The cynical and criminal variations of this game contribute a large volume to sensational newspaper copy.

The childhood prototype of ‘Rapo’ is the same as that of ‘Frigid Woman’, in which the little girl induces the boy to humiliate himself or get dirty and then sneers at him, as classically described by Maugham in Of Human Bondage and by Dickens in Great Expectations. This is Second Degree. A harder form, approaching Third-Degree may be played in tough neighbourhoods.

The man's ability to avoid becoming involved in this game or to keep it under control depends on his capacity to distinguish genuine expressions of feeling from moves in the game. If he is thus able to exert social control, he maintained a great deal of pleasure from the mild flirtations of ‘Kiss Off’. On the other hand it is difficult to conceive of a safe antithesis to the Potiphar's wife manoeuvre, other than checking out before closing time with no forwarding address.

The male versions of ‘Rapo’ are notoriously found in commercial situations: ‘Casting Couch’ (and then she didn't get the part)’ and ‘Cuddle Up’ (and then she got fired).

The following analysis refers to Third-Degree ‘Rapo’ because there the elements of the game are more dramatically illustrated.

Aim: malicious revenge.
Roles: seductress, wolf.
Dynamics (Third-Degree): penis envy, oral violence. ‘Kiss Off’ is phallic, while ‘Indignation’ has strong anal elements.
Examples: (1) I’ll tell on you, you dirty little boy. (2) Wronged woman.
Social Paradigm: Adult-Adult.
Adult (male): “I'm sorry if I went further than you intended to.”
Adult (female): “You have violated me and must pay the full penalty.”
Psychological Paradigm: Child-Child.
Child (male): “See how irresistible I am.”
Child (female): “Now I've got you, you son of bitch.”
(1) female: seduction; male: counter-seduction.
(2) female: surrender; male: victory.
(3) female: confrontation; male: collapse.
(1) internal psychological - expression of hatred and projection of guilt.
(2) external psychological - avoidance of the emotional sexual intimacy.
(3) internal social - ‘Now I’ve Got You, You Son Of A Bitch’.
(4) external social - ‘Ain’t It Awful’, ‘Courtroom’, ‘Let’s You And Him Fight’.
(5) biological - sexual and belligerent exchanges.
(6) existential - I am blameless.

Friday 18 August 2017

harem pants

Remembering past discussions with Rachel "Dolphindark" Bree about future fashion, cyberpunk, post-cyberpunk ("ww3 will be fought with sticks and stones" mad max / salute of the juggers aesthetic. At one time she connived her way into being the official 'project: tRust franchise visual artist / fashion designer' which gave her access to the company computer. Six months later she had invested heavily into roleplaying her character Velcro on SecondLife VR and not so much into the fashion design, although when we took her upon it she inarguably made a lot of sense (she usually does) and showed us some concepts which we would love to develop as a clothing range, if ever given the budget to go into commercial production. Her sketchbook is worth its weight in imagination although she paid it split lip service with her evil blog. Meanwhile here is the inspiration splashpage for project: tRust on pinterest.  

Today I finally had enough of uncomfortable chav tracksuit bottoms which I lounge around the house in and looked up some harem/yoga pants for men on the internet. They cost a fucking fortune for what they are. So: back to basics with an old sheet from a charity shop and determination, discovering that with 4 knots and the right folds you can make your own pirate style harem pants for two pounds fifty (two euro's / two dollars) approx. They are a perfect fit, feel great, sucks that they are cotton and polyester mix rather than 100% cotton though. No cutting and sewing necessary at all.

The whole point of fashion in tRust is that it expands on the use of cytex as a fabric for clothes. The stuff is plastic-pvc-rubber-tyre type material in a variety of densities and flexi-abilities. It is dissolvable which is why most tRust fashion is basically a skin-suit applied by spraying it onto your body, and removed by stepping through a decontamist (decontamination mist) portal, which is not too different from an x-ray machine at an air-port and doubles as a chemical-shower for killing off any unwanted bacteria you might happen to have picked up on your travels. Assuming fresh sprayon clothing is applied the same way in the next chamber.

Basically the purpose of having such a way of living is that it makes life much easier for everyone, the time and energy invested into the ergometric nightmare of putting on and taking off layers of clothes is liberated. So it stands to reason that for our culture where cytex is as yet univented and/or ridiculously expensive, far too much to make clothes from yet, we have to do the next best thing. Custom made harem/yoga pants tied at the hip and ankle from an old bedsheet is perfect. Except for the cheap synthetic mix and the colour not actually being black. Hey it's non-black it means disposable in case I had to chop into it with shears. 

Ten minutes of figuring out how to fold it and a whole minute of tying knots. Next time will be quicker. Contemplating cutting off the corners where there is a lot of waste fabric, and sewing a strip of thread down the outside of each leg - or an insert from another fabric. Or doing that without cutting off the excess for a flash of colur beneath raggedy looking flappy bits. These are highly comfortable. 

It is not everybodies aesthetic. As I was working a couple of neighbours happened to walk past and look in through the window through the holes one of the neighbours cats scragged in the netting when it got stuck in here and freaked out last week.*  They said "oh my god"  and "seen it all now" simply because I was wrapping a sheet around my waist with safety pins in my mouth. To these people my creative activities in pursuit of comfort is like an alien planet. They assume me to be gay and therefore to be laughed about and avoided. I repeat, I feel comfortable as fuck and this costume cost me less than half a litre of grog they are damaging their internal organs with in the local pub tonight.

Would I wear these outside the house? Not around here. The version 3 of these designs though, cut to specific shape and sewed properly on a machine, looking professional, black of course, dylon dyed from the remnants of thin canvas combat trousers I have in a bag ready to do something with, with pockets and buckles in all the right places, are going to be selling for a small fortune on etsy before fall. tRust official clothing line logo doubles the price you see, its all in that hand-made, designer logo and the fact I know what I'm doing - even without Dolphindarks help. She's still living it up off-grid somewhere in Europe. Neighbours can laugh as much as they like, it's not stopping me from cashing in on style which they can't afford. 

*Cat scragged netting soon to be converted into frilly knickers for bobafets illegitimate daughter.

Meanwhile here's some copyright promo art from the new 2017 re-release of Games Workshop Necromunda used without consent non-profit for educational purposes within international fair use policy. And something else anonymously cool I found on google.

Incidentally found this during a google search: cytex on soundscape (nothing to do with Ordo Octopia) This is music how we like music. 

Tuesday 15 August 2017

The Naked Truth

The Naked Truth

I switched off because I was fed up of fighting a defensive position, against playing roles in other peoples drama, in which they needed me to be a bad guy to justify their bid for social support amongst people who did not question their motives & integrity, people who accepted their games as the reality. When someone dominates a narrative, the people worth relating with are those who question that narrative as being definitive. Today when people lie to my face because they have sided with another liar, and I can see through all this, I tell them, you are lying to me because you are a zombie. And what upsets them is not that they perceive my statement as an insult, but because they perceive it as the truth. I have ability to hold mirrors up to people face. Why would I choose to hide behind their face when I can wear my naked skull?

So I dedicated a lot of time to the contemplation of “Keeping the Peace” as justification of lies. I can not respect a liar. I barely accept those who cannot tell the difference between truth and lies and assume ‘what they have been told’ is the truth. It is a mental health dis-order called Cognitive Dissonance / Disbelief Syndrome. So many people suffer this and can end it easily by aligning themselves with Truth. The foundation of spirituality is “to see truth you have to be truth”.

Why would you respect a person who knowingly lies to you? It is abuse because it is attempt to mentally impair them, to deviate their cognitive function away from truth. They certainly do not respect you enough to create an honest world between you. Why would you knowingly create a dishonest world whenever you are in a situation to? Is it because you perceive that the liar has more power than you, so you enable and endorse that? You can depower them so easily by exposing, confronting and reprimanding them.

The conclusion I have come to in the situation above is that for those people who lie and create zombies, for personal empowerment for which we historically use the word ‘liche’ (“leech” and “leige”), or under the justification that they lie to keep the peace, both require that the person who has been lied about, the victim of the slander, one who has less influence amongst the zombie horde because they avoid and dump hate onto the target, should exist with less peace. So it is untrue that lies keep the peace. It creates stress and pins it onto the victim.

The victim has three choices. These are the three worlds within the victims power to manifest.

One: (inaction) accept the situation and let them think whatever they want, because they are zombies they are incapable of clarity of thought anyway. This is to endorse the slander and be a party to it.  Remain identified as “victim”.

Two: (action) protest and attempt to win zombies over to the truth by telling the other side of the story which they have never asked to hear because they are zombies. Discredit the liars. Refute being ‘victim’ yet perpetuate war instead of bringing peace. Justified by; truth and understanding within a community which has been perverted by lies.

Three: (ascension) rise above the whole situation, detach, and know that aligning with truth means to rise above the dirt in which the zombies wallow, to attain a spiritual purity which liches cannot even see. Let them rot in their own deceptions and illusions.

In terms of transactional analysis it look like this:

adult - adult = truth - truth
parent - child = liar - zombie
child - child = zombie - zombie

“Grown-ups can handle the truth”
and the famous retort: “Why do you lie to your children?” (Your duty is to support them to survive in adult life.)

“All this will be for nothing. We will have been for nothing. Defined by their histories, distorted to fit into their narrative. Until all that is left of us are the monsters in the stories they tell their children.”
Captain Flint, Black Sails

Thursday 3 August 2017


"If and when you feel rage, if you would only give yourself some time, some spiritual food, if you will do that for yourself, if you will abridge your rage with that spiritual food, eventually everything will calm down and will be fine. You will be able to move ahead and that time of rage will be over. The idea of forgiveness. Womens rage often comes from their family of origin situation, sometimes it comes from adult trauma too, that is less common. For instance a woman who has had a mate who has been tremendously abusive. That is less common because usually people who have not abused as children will not stay for a minute with a mate who abuses them. So the adult trauma is less common. Regardless of where the trauma ocurs, something has to happen, to recognise, it, to bless it, to contain it and to leave it."  Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run With The Wolves

Blame Shifting.
Often the ones perusading you to leave the perceived abuser (the target), are abusers who do not want to let you go (the cult, who extrapolate your energy). Often the target is a liberator who the peer group resent.

She doesn't know what to do. So she will do whatever the next person she speaks with who she trusts tells her to do. That is how she is. Manipulable. So, I told her to ignore everyone else and trust her own intuition. Everybody else in her life is giving her various versions of ignore me and avoid me. Because I am a threat to their control over her. They are all caught in energy games. As an outsider-observer I can see this clearly for what it is. Because she is coming from a culture of control-games, that is normal to her, she will entangle me in them too if she has a chance to. I prefer to keep my life clean. I trust my own intuition. It helps more than other peoples advice ever does.

See also:

Modern Writing 201X

Modern Writing 201X

We are the millenial teens. At time of writing the internet is over thirty years old although it is closer to half that since 'the great transition' occurred. Before, older generation cursed daily about computers taking over everything while younger generation wanted what they saw daily on cyberpunk shows. After, your mobile has wifi and everyone above the average age of ten has cellphones. Facebook and youtube are yesterdays television and the cybermen are asking now it has happened why tv brainwash devices taking over society was ever a concern anyway.

As a writer I observe how it affects our use of language. We ignore those around us so we do not develop spoken verbal skills and we text continuously. Emoticons and txt tlk was an annoying fad until its practicality was accepted and assimilated.

Scientists monitoring dolphin speech have announced that their language has changed because of noise pollution. They used to sing complicated communications however the increasingly distracting distortions of mechanical human interventions into their ocean has within a generation caused dolphins to adopt abrupt direct commands rather than eloquent prose of their parents and ancestors. How this relates to attention span in dolphins is more difficult to measure. The relationship between attention span and prose in human society is, and that is precisely what this blog is about.

I grew up reading the master of psychological science fiction Philip K Dick whose work stands out even within its genre, many argue that he is a cornerstone foundation of it. Despite this during his own lifetime he had the FBI on his back during paranoid yet 'drug-subculture the hidden mainstream' McCarthy years whose government and spy networks remensicent of KGB informants regarded PKDs work to be subvertive to the American Way Of Life. Dicks writing broke every rule in the academic text manuals for professional writers. He is a bestseller, they are not. The divergance between what people actually want and resonate with, compared with what the state tell us is what we should prefer, is not small.

For ten years I wrote by hand into notepads until my hands were, and still are, calloused from holding pens. In 2008 I got my first computer. My writing speed is like my IQ in the top one percentile which immediately marks me as an outsider whose mind is different and whose ways are strange. This does not itself make me a better writer, indeed when the common average is closer to the lowest common denominator than it is to how I routinely associate datum, it actively works against me. Thus I do not socialize, thus I do not converse, thus I spend a lot of time on facebook and blogging instead of working on my novels or drinking in the pub. For ten years I have been doing this.

Positive feedback regarding my style is unanimously that it is direct ("Tell it as it is") and "streams of consciousness writing". People used to the fiddly method of typing into a portable pocket sized machine with buttons sized for children are in agreement that messages should be kept short. I habitually compose multi-paragraph messages while keeping my bored text companion waiting and then the onslaught of excess wordage puts them off. If a sentence has more than ten words it is too long. We want it now and we want it concise. We want it in language we know what it means. I used to read thesaurus and dictionaries as a hobby yet most people can't spell dictionary and don't know what a thesaurus is, "Is it a type of dinosaur?" "Yes, apparently so."

It is the fault of evolution, progressive technological evolution, and not literature teachers, that practicality wins over complexity every time. This decade Agatha Christies novels have been re-written to simplify the stories because the next generation find them too complicated in their original form. We should be alarmed about this.

The word count of this blog is already extending beyond the comfort zone of most blog readers. The readers patience is lacking the faculty to assimilate that everything written so far is a preface to contextualise the main bulk of the manuscript. Lucky for you the rest of it is written in psychemotional feelies and not words at all. Enjoy.

As a reader I can only cope with writing which flows the way my mind flows. If writing flows differently, contrary to my natural rhythm, I cannot assimilate it. Instead of seeing the pictures of the described scene in my minds eye, I see bricks and concrete, a wall, impenetrable, words which do not make sense when put next to each other in that order. It is not my failing as an intelligent person that I cannot break through beyond it.

I experiment with this, my nature as an inquisitive book elf wanting to learn what everything is and does and how it all fits together, and my experiments so far have showed me psychedelic levels of reasoning. When I first read a popular kids series about a boy in wizard school I got three pages in and quit because it gave me a headache. I recall reading only block structure, paragraph word count, shapes of sentences depicted numerically, I was reading the matrix, numbers stacked. There was no story. I observed her magic was use of prime numbers in sequence throughout the text. Next time I read this ten years later to my son before bedtime and i saw none of that gridwork. We were excited to journey together through magical events and descriptions cleverly connived to a holistic and believable living world which developed as the story progressed, the characters very much affecting their environment. Even the easy cliches are alive.

Mindset. Analytical mode vs suspension of disbelief. Acceptance of luxuriating in absorbing descriptive detail (it truly does not matter what colour socks the wizard wears, so why bother describing it?) vs the gridwork which holds it all together in such a way that the story 'is right', in this case not only as a story but as a cultural icon, a social imprint which spans several generations, a true classic. That gridwork is a powerful weave regardless what colour socks the wizard was wearing. Mindset is about one mode vs the other. Mindset is also about accepting the character because his socks are the same colour as my socks, vs not accepting the character because "I dont like socks daddy, they make my feet squeezed and they can't breathe". My kids feet need to breathe. This outweighs what literary experts tell us about the perfectionism of a piece. She was rejected by over a dozen literary experts before someone took a risk and now the author is a multmillionaire and has entertained literally millions of people of all ages all over the world. Here is to the kids who don't listen because their feet cant breathe.




I write from the perception of a counsellor concerned with the impact social engineering employed to divide-and-control which creates an imbalance in society, resulting in the destruction of community, to provide leverage for further exploitation of individuals. If you are an individual this is directly relevant to you.

“Gray Rock” is a technique promoted by fifth-wave feminists * following third-wave principles.

third wave is anti-male, female supremacy strategies.

fourth wave feminism is a rejection of fem-dom and a focus on female related issues.

fifth wave is use of technological communication to manipulate society on a 1-1 and small group basis. This is precisely how cults work. It offers the manipulator a chance to interfere and retreat with no responsibility. It is an ideal situation for Narcissists to enjoy their methods for empowerment-by-control-and-destruction.

Popular within the contemporary communications technology community is the dynamic between Narcissist and Empath. A cultural terminology has emerged expressing our life situations in these terms and it is a method of indoctrination for the purpose of agenda based manipulation. This does not mean there are not cases where it is relevant and useful. It has also unveiled the scope by which manipulation is occurring throughout society to reprogram people to become less empathic and more narcissistic in their behaviour toward each other. Most especially this is aimed at encouraging females to resent males, playing on the foundation of gender based division.

Personally I believe that genders are complimentary, and phrases such as “battle of the sexes” encourage sexism and division. Communities thrive best where there is harmony, not division. The complimentary gender is 50% of the people on this planet. That is unlikely to change simply because of a personal prejudice and encouragement from hardline extremists using com-tech to brainwash a generation.

#GenderlessEquality is not the same thing at all as trans-gender.

Stonewalling And Community

Narcissistic Method

Stonewalling somebody without explaining to them why they are being stonewalled is a method used by narcissists to protect themselves against those who they perceive as narcissists. The result is the target (the one being stonewalled) does not know why the stonewaller is doing it, and assumes them either to be acting irrationally or to be manipulated into acting on misinformation as an attempt to socially isolate the target as a part of a victimisation campaign (Hate Crime by proxy).

Whatever affront the target did to the person doing the stonewalling, is going to be repeated endlessly until somebody points it out to them that a specific aspect of their behaviour was wrong. NB it is not the person, it is the behaviour - these are two distinct and different entities as is taught in childcare. All of us have a social duty and a duty to self to continually improve our behaviour with relation to other people. It helps vastly more when we are aware what behaviour is perceived as wrong, than it does when the target does not know at all.

A person who has been stonewalled with no concept of why, is going to be confused, offended and will not be able to work on improving themselves or recognizing where they might need to improve - if at all.

Anybody encouraging stonewalling with no explanation is actively divide-and-control, is attempting to control the one doing the stonewalling. An intelligent person (A) would question why person B is encouraging them to avoid person C and to put both person A and C into this position.

If you Stonewall somebody for no apparent reason - you are the sociopath.


Empathic Method

Stonewalling somebody after explaining why they are being stonewalled is a method used by empaths concerned with improving the social conditions we all experience. It establishes a dynamic by which healing can develop and progress can be made within the community. The target can work on the problem because the target knows what the problem is. It also exposes where stonewalling is a reaction to misperception or as result of manipulation of the stonewaller by a third party.

If the target (the person being stonewalled) asks “Why am I being stonewalled” this immediately indicates that the target does not understand and cares enough to want to fix the situation.

StoneWall As Abuse Tactic

Stonewalling is an abusive technique. If you need time out from your relationship, you state that you need time out. If the partner ignores that then stonewalling may become necessary. Stonewalling is the abrupt and final end of a relationship.

To stonewall somebody for a perceived sleight without explaining the problem or for no serious reason at all is the methodology of a narcissist who has decided to drop one of their sources of energy (“supply”). There is only one reason a narcissist would do this; self protection, to avoid exposure. Discredition of the threat is a standard reaction. "I had to stonewall him/her poor me!" solicits sympathy by way of securing new supply. 

A full exploration of how humans use each other as sources of energy can be found in The Games People Play by Dr Eric Berne. Make it the next book you read. It is easy to understand the principles and strategies which develop for purpose of energy supply. It is as relevant today as ever, although the use of modern communications technologies has given us a different arena and the emergence of different strategies (see fifth-wave feminism).

My Experience of StoneWall

I have both stonewalled people and been stonewalled by them. The Block function on facebook is stonewalling. It is useful to avoid any unwanted attention from abusers. People who I have been stonewalled by, who later explained their justification for doing so fall into three categories:

- genuinely had a good reason (fortunately I have had very few of these if any)
- was/is playing control games which I have challenged/exposed, so has stonewalled me as attempt to cover it up (including labelling me as an abuser to justify their own abusive actions)
- was manipulated by a third party who sought to disable their support network of which I was included by persuading them I was a threat.

When you weigh up these three reasons, these are the questions you need to ask when stonewalling a person. Why am I stonewalling this person? And; Is the right thing to do for myself, the target and society at large, to explain to the person why they are being stonewalled?


A genuine healer heals the whole, holistically, rather than isolating components. You only cut out a cancer if it is definitely identified as a cancer and not a support. Most people are in real life situations which involve elements of both - we are beyond Disney Princess Syndrome which is a meme used for leverage. This is symptomatic of the society we live in as much as it is symptomatic of the cPTSD so many of us have as a result of trauma from the society we live in.

The Positivist Agenda is to create no more trauma and to heal that we have suffered, for the benefit of individual and community. Society is your enemy, Community is your friend. Community is holistic and non-exclusive. When it becomes so, it is no longer community, it is a sub-culture of Society. This is the only rational Humanistic approach we can take toward healing ourselves and others without harbouring fear and hatred toward specific individuals. We all know that fear and hatred are toxic.

Q. Who gains from fear and hatred?
A. Those who exploit others for personal gain.

See also:


Recognizing Abuse In Authority (& Why)

Abuser wants to be an Authority enabling energy domination, ergo assumes a Parent-Child attitude and does not respect that the person he is talking with is an Adult requiring Adult-Adult discourse.

Talking to an adult as if they are a child is demeaning, even insulting unless the Adult remains Adult enough to rise above it, to establish their status as Adult rather than Child by responding accordingly, which largely relies on experience that makes the Adult an Adult in the first place.

Here we identify two levels of Adult - one which is a more mature Adult than the other. Both however are Adults, even where the Adult is inexperienced to justify to the Authority that he is not a Child.

The fail is the error of assessment that the Adult is a Child, made by the Authority. It must be recognised that the Authority by making this mistake is not suitable for the role of being an Authority.*

This can be remedied only in three ways:

- the Authority shifts from Parent-Child to Adult-Adult. This is the proper way for an Adult Authority to function.

- the Authority remains in Parent mode creating tension between the two parties because the Adult refuses to become a Child - this shows that the Authority is being more Childish than the Adult. The Adult can opt to step down into Child mode either so both parties can engage Child-Child which is unlikely given that the Authority will then immediately revert to being Parent-Child. This is a domination tactic which is unnecessary for Adult-Adult communication and explains why the Authority is unfit for role as such. We call this Manipulation Of Position Of Authority (where conscious) and Unfit For Role (where unconscious). If the Authority is unconscious of this, it reveals they are not fit for position because they are actively a Child playing Parent wearing Authority role far too big for them. If the Authority is aware of this, they are an Abuser.

- The two parties cease to have any communication. The Authority may repeat this approach with the next client while the Adult finds a different Authority who is capable of Adult-Adult to communicate with.

* Authorities are not fit for role if they make such mistakes. It is unfortunate that we live in a society where most of the time this goes unchecked. The result is chaos and the widespread enablement and acceptance of abuse by authority figures unfit for role. Adults question the Authorities being fit for purpose, Childs cannot. It is itself a mark of Adult status. Remember always: Authorities are Functionaries of a System. The System is there to serve the People. Not the other way around. Freedom factors on this.


Perry’s agenda is to become a literary agent for money. The arena he is in enables his position of authority over his clients (a variety of writers hopeful to become published authors). The foundation of his job has two aspects, both of which are: to make decisions for other people to progress. First he reads and criticises their work, then he decides if it is good enough to be published by the publishing house he works for. His position is that of authority and he has some power, as much power as his clients respect him with, as much power as his superiors respect him with. So long as he selects clients who bring the company money they will be happy and because there are a lot of people buying books, he does not have to worry much about which part of society he is alienating and encouraging because people will buy books form the company anyway. So nobody is looking too heavily over his shoulder. Most of his job is focussed on finding clients and because there are many writers seeking to be published, this is easy too. He can be very selective and reject as many writers as he likes because he is in a position to do so. In his discourse with potential authors there is a limited amount of to-and-from discourse regarding their books and the companies expectancies of quality. This situation enables him to play energy strategies within the simple dynamic outlined by Dr Eric Berne. The very basic grid structure applies and we can identify it astutely to the situation.

A result of Perry’s decision to pass only specific writers to his company for publication means he is the sole decision maker on what merits quality. It is an important job. Perry has decided to fall back on textbook academic teachings of what constitutes a good book. The summary of this is that all writers must conform to the proper patterns with no deviation, no risk-taking, no experimentation or individual expression. Effectively Perry requires writers who conform to ’painting by numbers’. As a result all of the writers who Perry passes are interchangeable, anyone of them could have written any of the manuscripts he passes without the reader ever truly knowing any difference between them. It caters toward a specific mindset, that of the academically programmed to conform to the academic program.

Perry spends his life wondering why rival publishing houses who have an entirely different approach are producing best-seller after best-seller of avant-garde, risky manuscripts that do not conform to the rules. Perry’s company sell bog-standard, middle-of-the-road easy-reading to a specific audience.

Perry’s methods have resulted in many writers avoiding him entirely and boycotting his publishing house. Perry seeks only submissive writers who redraft their manuscripts to conform to the blueprint Perry is imposing on them. Anybody who thinks differently from that model does not buy books from his company - which is why the rival companies are producing best-selling authors and his is not, despite it being respected as a long-running cornerstone of the publishing industry. 

This is the critical juncture:

Perry engages his clients as a Parent-Child authoritarian figure with intention of making writers conform to the textbook format.

Other companies engage their clients as Adult-Adult with intention of making the book as good as possible on its own merits, regardless of proper academic formats.

The Best Sellers do not conform to the academic textbook format because the books which really stand out, are those which really stand out. It is so obvious and simple that Perry is behind his own back a laughing stock of the industry despite his simultaneously being respected for his standing in it.

When new authors deal with Perry for the first time they have to make the decision which camp they fall into and whether Perry’s publishing house is the right one for them. The tried and tested formats which create format authors for a format audience do have a higher success chance than the multitude of risk-takers of whom only a tiny percent ‘make it’ to become best-sellers.

Thankfully there is a wide range of publishing houses which sit at various proximities within the third category, which is a balance between the extremes.

See also:

Energy Games

The Games People Play by Dr Eric Berne

ISBN: 0-345-41003-3
Published by Grove Press

Transactional Analysis of Social Psychology

Dr Eric Berne teaches a very basic system for;

1 recognising: how people interact.
2 what happens when we do, in terms of ‘energy’ shifting from person to person.
3 establishing a perception from which we can observe that energy does shift between people, and that this phenomena forms a foundation of how people create and manipulate situations to enable them to shift energy in their own favour.

Games People Play was published in 1964 and is no less relevant today. The social focus has shifted, the jargon we use in 2017 is different to that used in 1964, and yet the situation is the same. The basic model created by Dr Berne is the same and is still highly useful in assessing interpersonal situations. The model reveals underlaying structures and dynamics of social scenarios.

I use its guidance often. Combined with my own experiences and the knowledge base from another book called The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield which teaches about what happens when people are low- and high- on energy, the different worlds we manifest, this forms the basis of my world view.

My specialist focus is on exposing abuse and establishing methods to deal with it holistically. This has made me both friends and enemies. There are two camps - those who work positively to create energy for the betterment of all (Service to Others) are those who fight for Humanitarian ideals, and those who exploit individuals for service to dysfunction (Service to Self) are those who abuse and permit abuse.  

"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."

The rules of the boardgame Diplomacy are very similar to the basic interpersonal model by Dr Berne. They both operate a black/white step-by-step structural outline in minimalist terms to observe  the flow and exploitation of energy between people and groups of people, and how various strategies develop to manipulate this for personal gain and/or communal gain. The conclusion of Diplomacy is that alliances and stability are more important, desirable, successful than are power, control and domination. This is compatible with the conclusion of Games People Play which is that successful people do not play (energy control) games.

See also:


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Astrology for the Soul August 2, 2017

"In the early stages of life,
I take all I need to grow,
Then transform it within to show where I've been,
And give it back to the whole."