Thursday 1 November 2012

Ghost Forest I walked through the "ghost forest" an exhibition of naturally fallen tree stumps and roots imported from all over the world to wales. It was eery. Most of them from countries where unlike britain they only have a few inches of topsoil, so the base of the tree grows outward and the roots are very shallow therefore all twisty. British trees we have... lets put it this way... a documentary with baldric from blackadder presenting it (tony robinson, they hiss in my ear, his name is tony robinson) he was involved with (time team, the program is called time team, they tell me) (its great having spirit allies when they are friendly I dont need to use my memory and can use that databank for other more interesting purposes)... they dug up an airplane that crashed in sw england on the moors during ww2. It was under 16 feet of topsoil. This is the actual proof that the rate at which soil builds up in some parts of the uk is 16 feet in 69 years. Thats 4 feet a year. Strange but true. Beneath the rainforests they dont even have 4 feet deep of soil, and as soon as the trees are chopped, the wind sweeps all the soil away to the bedrock, like I suspect is what happened with the Nazca rainforest of Peru. For this reason, trees in britain have deep roots that go far down into the soil, some of them as deep as the tree is tall so I am told. Many imported pine trees do not have this; the old traditional broadleafs do. And their roots move, the trees move. I've seen this.

At the biodome today I stared into the pool from a ledge, I tuned into it. There is a sadness there, because there is so much missing that the plants need. The sounds, of insects and animals. The thought tides of species; lizards, mammals, birds. These elements are essential to an ecology. The plants know this and they cannot grow to their full power, their full happiness, without being a part of ... that. Creatures need to swing in the wings of trees for the tree to know comfort, a full life.
These plants remember it through their dna and they remember the loss. Plants do not forget between the generations and incarnations, like humans do. Plants remember the mother from the seed. These plants in the biodome feel a great sense of loss and also a great sense of acceptance of that. It is mournful. They know that on the other side of the biodome there is torrential rain and icy cold weather. These plants are from desert climates. They would be dead without human care. It is wonderful to smell them, taste them, feel them, share energy field with them. Now the forest is more fully developed and the plants are maturing.
Now I am familiar on my third annual visit to the place, so that it is not the individual trees, the more awake ones that I telempath with but the forest as a whole. It needs the sound of chirruping hoppers and colourful birds, small furry animals moving fast and burrowing beneath its roots. Its medicinal properties are amazing if it were ever to be used for that (a guide explained to me they don't sell seeds or cuttings, most people don't have the right environments for such to survive). Today I learned and felt that the plants themselves need healing. This speaks for nature. The plants need healing. We exploit them as products and farm them. 99% humans are too blind to realise they are sentient. Dr Emoto has proved it using hard science and still, most people don't and can't access that psychometric level of sensitivity in themselves to believe that it is possible to speak with plants using emotion and energy fields and dna as the language, and that it can contain more information than mere speech alone.

link thanks to Tesha Miller

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